Planning Your Timeline

Using the reference information, set up a tentative timeline for your hiring action. Having a dedicated project manager and HR specialist will help you go from posting the announcement to issuing a certificate in under 6 weeks.

Timeline of the SME-QA process.

Task breakdown

Week 1 - Job analysis workshop

SMEs, HR, and hiring manager define qualifications and create pass/fail assessments

Week 2 - Prep Job Opportunity Announcement

Fine tune competencies and assessments, start recruitment, prepare job announcement

Week 3 - Post Job Opportunity Announcement

Post Job Announcement, conduct SME resume review training

Weeks 4 & 5 - Resume Review

SMEs conduct resume review and tiebreakers

Week 5 & 6 - Assessment Round 1

SMEs review the first pass/fail assessment such as structured interviews, USA HIRE, a written prompt, or asyncronous interview, and are scheduled for the second assessment on a rolling basis

Weeks 6 & 7 - Assesment Round 2

SMEs review the second pass/fail asssesment, such as a structured interview on a rolling basis

Week 8 - Issue Certificate and Make Selections

HR issues certificate(s); hiring managers conduct optional fit interview and make selections